Sunday, January 25, 2009

Snow Storm Moving Off Tiger Mountain

As frequently the case, snow storms layer across Tiger Mountain in neat strata that are easy to seen. The valley floor is snow free and cloud free. Moving up a few tens of feet and you get into snow and then further up into clouds and snow. Where I live, higher up the mountain, there were clouds and about 1.5 inches of snow.

I was driving by around 2:30 and came on this scene of the snow clouds blowing off the mountain.

Taken near the hang gliding landing field off Issaquah-Hobart Road.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Old Growth Cedar Stump

Old Growth Cedar Stump
Originally uploaded by doug_r
This image is one I keep coming back to again and again. It was taken in a deep forest in late afternoon in August and so has a rather extreme contrast range. I learned most of my Photoshop skills working on this image, so it's nice to occasionally come back, rework it, and see if I can get any more out if it and/or how my tastes have changed.

I like this version better than any of the previous five versions. The detail in the mid-darks and shadows are much better, the leaves are not quite as washed out and the overall tonal ranger is broader. I think the sharpening is better as well and of course now there is a little grain in there as well as a some fairly extensive burning and dodging.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Witch Hazel I detail

Witch Hazel I detail
Originally uploaded by doug_r
During the storms of the last month several branches from the witch hazel shrubs along the property broke off. Over the last couple of days, I snubbed these off, and set them in a vase of water. I dumped in a teaspoon of sugar and an aspirin tablet and lo! bare branches to brightly colored blossoms bursting with fragrance in 48 hours.

Very fun.

Sunday, January 04, 2009